

ACMSE 2025 has two types/categories of registrations (Attendee Category and Author Category). For each accepted submission (full paper, short paper, or poster), at least one author must register under the “Author Category” and present his/her work during the event. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the conference proceedings and the ACM Digital Library.

Attendee Category

Attendees are encouraged to attend the following events of the conference at no cost: keynote speeches, paper presentations, poster session, tutorials/workshops, and programming competition (see the general schedule here). No registration is required for these free events—walk-ins are welcome. However, attendees who wish to benefit from additional services such as lunches and/or dinners should officially register. There is a base fee ($5.00) plus additional costs for each lunch ($25.00) and dinner ($30.00). When registering, you will be guided to select your preferred lunch and/or dinner days. Registration fees are non-refundable. As an attendee who opts for additional services, please register and make your payment through Cvent using the following link by April 17, 2025: LINK-WILL-COME-SOON.

Author Category

For each accepted work (full paper, short paper, or poster), at least one of the authors must register under this category. The registration fee includes lunches and dinners. Registration fees are non-refundable. ACM active members will receive a discount. If one author has several accepted papers, he/she is required to pay the full registration fee for each work (no discount available on multiple papers, due to already low pricing). Payment options include credit card and wire transfer. For more information about wire transfers, see information sent by email. The registration system for authors (Cvent) can be accessed through the following link: LINK-WILL-COME-SOON. Be sure you pay the fee of your work by April 3, 2025.

Notice: Papers that do not adhere to the required formatting guidelines will be excluded from both the conference proceedings and the ACM Digital Library. Before making your payment, please ensure that your paper complies with all formatting requirements and has been approved by the proceedings chair.

ACM member ACM non-member
Early Registration (Until 2025-03-XX) US$380.oo US$480.oo
Late Registration (Starting on 2025-03-XX) US$500.oo US$600.oo


Additional Fee

If your work is accepted for presentation and publication in ACMSE 2025, please be sure that you follow all our requests on time. Unfortunately, we will have to apply an additional fee (US$100.oo) to your paper for any of the following reasons. Please, understand that our goal is to uphold the high quality of ACMSE and ensure a well-organized, successful event.

  • We will ask you to fill out the ACM copyright. Please, be sure you do so before the due date
  • We will require the short biography of the presenter. Please, be sure the presenter sends this information on time
  • We will ask you to share an editable copy of your work through Overleaf. Make sure you do this on time and according to the specified instructions
  • You will be given tips to prepare your camera-ready version of the paper. Be sure you follow ALL these tips. If you do not, we will send the paper back to you in PDF format with annotations. If your second camera-ready version is still not in the correct format, then the additional payment will be required