Call for Posters

Call for Posters

Students, faculty, researchers, and scientists are invited to submit posters to the 2025 ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE 2025). The scope for posters includes all aspects of computer science, information systems, and information technology. Posters can cover preliminary or exploratory work, smaller research projects, projects that are showing promising results but are not quite ready for a full publication, or any other work that would benefit from the discussion in an open forum.

Poster proposals must be submitted as an extended abstract of two pages, including references. The selection of posters will be based on this extended abstract. Evaluation criteria include technical merit, innovation, and the potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas at the conference. The peer-review process will be “double-blind” where the two-page extended abstract shall be submitted, lacking author(s) names and affiliations. Posters are not considered to be a prior publication. All accepted and presented posters at ACMSE 2025 will be included in the proceedings and the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of every accepted poster must register to attend the conference and present it during the “Poster Session”.

Authors of posters consent to the policies of the 2025 ACM Southeast Conference (see policies). Similarly to the short and full paper tracks, posters will be subject to a three-phase evaluation process (see evaluation process).

Poster Format

Posters (PDF format) must follow the mandatory template provided by the ACMSE 2025 conference. All authors are required to submit their poster proposal (two-page extended abstract) in the correct format, even at the level of the evaluation. Be aware that posters that do not follow the required format will be rejected without evaluation. ACMSE does NOT support the Microsoft Word format (no exceptions). Thank you for your understanding. Instructions and the LaTeX template are in this link.

Submission Link

Posters (two-page extended abstracts) should be submitted through the EasyChair system, no later than the due date for submissions. Remember that the evaluation process is “double-blind”, and submitted posters shall lack author(s) names and affiliations. You will be asked to select a track/category during the submission. Be sure you submit your poster to the correct track (Posters). Submitted posters should be well formatted and use proper English grammar and punctuation.

Notice that you will need an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier) ID/number. If you do not have one so far, create an account in ORCID

Important Dates for Posters
Deadline for Submission of Posters December 7, 2024
Notification of Acceptance February 1, 2025
Due Date for Camera-ready March 14, 2025
Event Date April 24-26, 2025